Iran has offered itself as an energy supplier to help avert the energy crisis in Europe. “We have the necessary gas reserves and could potentially meet Europe’s needs in this area as well,” said a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry.
But before Tehran makes deliveries, the Vienna nuclear agreement must be reintroduced. US sanctions against Iran must also be lifted.
Iran has one of the prime gas reserves in the world. So, in theory, the country could alleviate Europe’s energy needs. But according to observers, Tehran has little leeway for gas exports due to domestic demand for gas.
In recent years, conferring to the ministry, there have also been technical problems with gas production due to the sanctions levied by the US. However, these have now been resolved, and Iran no longer has any restrictions.
Iran is currently working with the six parties to the Vienna nuclear deal, China, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, and the US, to revive the 2015 accord. No final pact has been reached yet, but the Iranian spokesman is confident that this could happen soon.