KLM will expand the number of flights to China from 26 March. The reason for this is the lifting of travel restrictions by the Chinese government, the airline announced.
“KLM will fly non-stop from Amsterdam to Hong Kong three times a week. We will start with six non-stop flights a week to both Beijing and Shanghai and expand to daily scheduled services from May. This brings Beijing back into our network,” says KLM. The Chinese market is vital to KLM because of demand from the business market.
The planned expansion is subject to approval by the Chinese authorities. The airline advises passengers to check the applicable travel rules before departure. “For example, a face mask must be worn on flights to and from China.”
KLM introduced extra security measures on flights from China last month. For example, employees were provided with FFP2 face masks and their own toilet. KLM staff had indicated that they were concerned about the large number of corona infections in China.