The Kremlin has reacted angrily to Joe Biden’s statement that Russia is the greatest threat to national security.
That is nonsense and encourages hatred against Russia and Russians, the Russian government complains. It has emphasized that Moscow wants to cooperate with every leader of the United States but regrets Biden’s anti-Russian rhetoric.
Allegations against Russians have become part of Democrats’ political argument. When they lost the election in 2016, they declared defeat by a Trump conspiracy with Russians.
It took years for that conspiracy theory to be disproved after investigation. Now, according to Biden, Russians are behind the surfacing of emails that would highlight the shadowy cases of his son Hunter.
According to American media, a Hunter laptop has been found in the hands of the FBI for some time following a contemplated investigation into money laundering.
Emails on the device provide some insight into the shadowy affairs of Joe Biden’s son Hunter, but it’s not clear if he broke the law. President Trump has accused the Biden family of corruption and criminal practices.
At the time, as vice president and special envoy of President Obama, Biden is said to have abused his influential position in Ukraine, among others. Hunter sometimes joined Air Force 2 with his father. In 2014, he suddenly took on a top position at a large natural gas company in Ukraine.
It is not clear why and what he was doing there for over $ 50,000 a month for five years. Joe Biden states that he did not discuss business with his son and that “nothing unethical” has happened.