Catering establishments in the American state of New York will have to deal with adjusted closing times from Friday. The authorities hope to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
Cafés and restaurants that serve alcohol must close at 10 p.m., although customers are still allowed to pick up food afterwards.
Gyms also have to deal with these adjusted closing times, local media reports. Furthermore, no more than ten people may be present at private meetings for the time being. “Cafes, restaurants, gyms, house parties,” Gov.
Andrew Cuomo listed earlier this week when he mentioned the places where the coronavirus is rampant.
New York was the epicentre of the US corona outbreak earlier this year. The virus subsequently spread across the country, with more than 10.5 million infections and 242,000 deaths reported.
The New York Times reports that a grim record was broken on Thursday. Then authorities registered more than 160,000 new infections in one day, the highest number since the start of the pandemic.
Hospitals are in danger of being overloaded in some states by the influx of corona patients. The governor of North Dakota announced this week that medical personnel who test positive for the virus could continue to work, provided they do not show any signs of disease.
They may then only treat patients who are also infected with the coronavirus. Critics consider that policy irresponsible.