Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan wants to turn the controversial border region of Kashmir into a full-fledged Pakistani province. India has reacted angrily to Khan’s plans.
Claimed by India and Pakistan, Kashmir has had a special status for a long time. India lifted that status last year and placed the region under strict government control.
Pakistan now wants to give the Pakistani part, Gilgit-Baltistan, the status of a full-fledged province for the time being. When the status change takes effect, Khan has not disclosed.
Khan thinks changing status is essential for the region. According to the prime minister, it is suitable for combating poverty in Gilgit-Baltistan.
India condemns the move, saying Pakistan has occupied the area. “Pakistan is trying to camouflage with this move that the area has been inhabited for years.
All human rights violations cannot be hidden because of this. Pakistan has denied the people in this area their freedom for seven decades,” the interior minister said in a statement.
India and Pakistan both occupy part of Kashmir and accuse the neighbouring country of illegal occupation. The countries have fought two wars over the area.