US President Donald Trump will release guidelines Thursday for steps to reboot the US economy and return to a healthy life. He said that during a press conference in the White House.
The severe restrictions that now apply in the United States have worked, according to Trump. “The data shows that we are over the peak of corona infections across the country,” he said at a news conference yesterday.
“Hopefully this will continue.” At the same time, he stressed the need to remain vigilant. The guidelines would come after a meeting with the governors of the US states on Thursday.
According to the American university Johns Hopkins, which collects figures of the corona crisis worldwide, there are more than 630,000 confirmed cases and some 27,850 deaths in the US.
“Tomorrow (Thursday, ed.) Will be an important day.” The US president said that some states would reopen before May 1, the date that he had set himself.
When asked about the dangers of too soon a reopening, Trump said that keeping the country closed could also mean killing.