British Anti-Terror Police May Investigate New Poisoning Case. The British anti-terror police opened an investigation after a woman, and a man with symptoms of poisoning had been hospitalised.
The case is happening in Amesbury. That is a municipality near Salisbury, the city where the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Joelia were found poisoned.
The man and the woman, in their forties, were found unconscious last Saturday in a house in Amesbury, about 13 kilometres from Salisbury. Initially, it was thought that they had used contaminated drugs, but other scenarios are now also taken into account.
The two were admitted in a critical condition in the same hospital where the Skripals were also treated. The substance they are exposed to is not known. The substance is currently under investigation.
The anti-terror unit of the British police has opened an investigation into the case. In Amesbury, several places were closed where the two forties often came.
In March of this year, the former Russian double-spy Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury. They were found to have been exposed to the nerve gas novichok. The British government pointed out Russia’s finger.