Are you planning a camping trip to Canada? This country has excellent choices for camping, but these are the common types of camping in Canada, which are my favourites.
1. Nation Park Pacific Rim at Camp Canada:
It has a long beach that is aneventualPacific experience, and it has the 22 KM sand with the horizon which disappears into the ocean. Green Points along the length mark long campground.
Start by touring the beach. Run or walk in either direction or scan flotsam for each beach booty. You can go swimming too, but keep in mind water temperature is 10-degree centigrade.
If you are into surfing, then there are rough long waves present at the long beach. But if you are searching for some more harsh lessons or actions, then you can head to the town of Tofino, 20 minutes north.
Gray whales passed their summer in waters just coastal, and the best place to see them is Amphitrite Lighthouse at the town of Ucluelet, 2o minutes away from south of the campground.
2. Provincial Park at Mount Robson:
When from the highway about 25 KM far, you look at 3,954-meter Robson Mount then it seems most spectacular and highest mountain in the Canadian Rockies. It has the vast bulks that are rising about 300 km above you.
There is no place that better than its grandeur than the Campground Berk Lake. Campground located beside the small lake which contains the small icebergs that broke off from the glacier above the mountain.
Berk lake has various world-class hikes. Mumm Basin, Snowbird pass, these are some hikes places, Snowbird pass is an ambitious 22 KM hike place that runs along the moraines. This pass peers down to tremendous Reef Icefield that looks that this transported from Antarctica.
3. Provincial Park Peter Lougheed, Camp Canada:
It is not wondered that this camping is in the Kananaskis Country, Alberta, that is most popular with locals. It has all peak attributes which you can get into the nearby Banff.
Besides the fishing or cutthroat trout from the camp, you should shoulder your trek and road to Three Isle or Maude lakes for the backcountry angling in the spectacular locations.
At the pass of South Kananaskis, continue to flower fill meadows and the beautiful view of the mountain, if you do not want to go fishing.
The most ambitious hiker tackles all day, and tour to headwall at the Fossil Falls well used and an informal trail. For an easy and quick taste of the alpine, you should drive south to 2,200m highway pass.
4. National Park Waterton Lakes, Alberta Canada:
Waterton is the national park located in the southwest corner of Alberta, Canada.
It borders with the national park Glacier in the United States, Montana. Waterton is the fourth national park of Canada, is formed in the 1895 and then after that it name Waterton Lake.
An animal which you can see during your camp trip are bighorn, deer, river, bald, black bears, wolves, snowshoe, mule, river otters, white-tailed, grizzly bears, elk, timber hares, bobcats, cougars, hoary marmots, lynxes, bison.
Watertonreceives the Alberta perception level on average annually; it is the windiest place of Alberta. In winter winds at the 100 km/ hour are very common.
5. Provincial Park Writing on the Stone, Alberta, Canada:
Here you will get the luxurious, unforgettable experience with the comfort camping. There are three landscaped sites located in the campground, beneath the cottonwood stand at the Milk River Vale.
These sites included the comfortable private beds, private decks, that raise your camping experience to the highest level of luxury.