Professional Indemnity for construction companies is an insurance designed to protect constructors if a customer believes their work was professionally negligent. This might include recommending the wrong materials, making incorrect measurements or providing a poor quality of advice or guidance. It may also be referred to as Design/Construct Professional Indemnity. […]

Twitter is considering allowing users to ‘tip’ for tweets or subscribing to a particular user’s messages. Tweakers report that.   Today, Twitter derives almost all of its revenue from advertising. By giving tips or taking out a subscription, users can more easily support their favourite twitterer. There may also be […]

Many protesters gathered on the streets in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city, despite military warnings. The army had threatened “action” on Monday if Myanmar residents continued to gather in large groups. Since the military staged a coup at the beginning of this month and arrested government leader Aung San Suu Kyi, […]

The threat level in the United Kingdom has been reduced from severe to substantial. The reduction from 4 to 3 on a scale of 5 means that an attack is likely and no longer very likely.   The increase in early November after the terrorist attacks in France and Austria […]

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