Internet giant Amazon would like to open several department stores in the United States. That writes the American business newspaper Wall Street Journal.   The Wall Street Journal cites sources within the company. Amazon, which already operates smaller brick-and-mortar stores, has so far declined to confirm the report. The first […]

Taliban leaders say they met former Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The Taliban say they want to form a government together with other parties.   Their delegation included Annas Haqqani of the infamous Haqqani Network. Former peace negotiator Abdullah Abdullah accompanied Karzai. Karzai became president in late 2001 after the fall […]

All architects need insurance. As architects work with members of the public and give professional advice, they are at risk of various types of liability claims being made against them. Insurance offers protection from these claims by paying for legal costs and compensation if they are found liable. Insurance experts […]

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