Hong Kong elections are likely to be postponed for another year, to September 2022, local media reports. Previously, the parliamentary elections were postponed by the authorities due to the corona crisis.   The pro-democracy opposition in Hong Kong fears that the cancellation of the ballot box will give Beijing more […]

Buckingham Palace will investigate allegations of bullying by Meghan Markle. The British court announced this on Wednesday in an official statement.   The court says it is “very concerned” about the allegations and conducts a further investigation into the allegations. “Employees who were employed at that time, even if they […]

Google, one of the inventors of container technology Kubernetes, wants to use the service to make it easier to run and manage containers on the platform.   Software containers are a fast-growing technology, but the system is not the easiest to manage. So says Drew Bradstock, product lead for Google […]

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