Amazon Web Services has presented its new Graviton3E chips. The specialized chips must work faster and more efficiently in the large data centres of the cloud giant. Standard chips alone are no longer enough for Amazon Web Services. So the company behind one of the most extensive cloud services in […]

The United Kingdom’s dependence on cheap foreign labour must end. That is what Labor leader Kier Starmer said at a meeting of the large British employers’ organization Confederation of British Industry (CBI). Several companies in the country have called on the government to relax labour migration rules to combat staff […]

The British government warns of impending tax hikes mainly affecting the rich. Plans are coming out in the coming week to repair the economic havoc wrought under the brief reign of former Prime Minister Liz Truss. Truss’ successor Rishi Sunak, who is en route to the G20 summit in Bali, […]

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